Visitation Policy

Spending time with friends and family can support someone’s healing process while they’re in the hospital. At Covington Behavioral Health Hospital, we provide clear visitation guidelines to help ensure safe and successful visits between patients and their loved ones.  

Visitation Policy & Purpose

Covington Behavioral Health Hospital has established a set of visiting hour time frames for family, friends, and significant others to follow when visiting patients who are in the hospital.  

Our visiting hours are as follows:  

Adolescent patient visiting hours: Wednesdays and Sundays 3pm to 4pm

Adult patient visiting hours: Saturdays 3pm to 4pm

The purpose of our visitation policy is to provide a safe environment that allows patient contact with family and friends to promote optimal healing and recovery. 

Visitation Procedures

Please take note of the following visitation procedures prior to your visit: 

  1. Only two visitors per patient may be present at a visitation at one time. Visitation will not be extended for additional visitors.
  2. Visitors must arrive at the facility by 3:25 p.m. to allow time to retrieve the patient for visitation. 
  3. To visit with an adolescent patient, the visitor must be on the Adolescent Visitor Authorization Sheet filled out by the patient’s parent or legal guardian. The visitor must present a picture ID and have the patient’s confidential ID code to visit. 
  4. Visitors under the age of 12 may not visit unless approved by the director of nursing. A supervised area will be arranged for approved visitors under the age of 12.
  5. Children cannot be left unattended anywhere on the hospital grounds.
  6. All packages brought in by visitors will be checked by unit staff before being issued to the patient. No contraband is allowed. Visitors must lock purses, packages, cellphones, etc., in their vehicles before being allowed behind locked doors. If we suspect that visitors are bringing in nonallowable items, administration reserves the right to ask to check these articles. Visitors violating these rules will be asked to leave and not return until cleared by administration. 
  7. The hospital will not assume responsibility for the damage or loss of personal property or valuable items that are retained by the patient.
  8. All visitors will receive a visitor badge from the receptionist after signing a confidentiality statement and providing the confidential ID code of the patient prior to entering visitation.
  9. Visitors and patients will be allowed the right to consensual nonsexual physical contact, such as hand-holding or hugging.
  10. Visitors must remain visible to hospital staff at all times.

The staff at Covington Behavioral Health Hospital will follow these procedures during your visit: 

  • Staff will check all visitors to verify that they are wearing a visitor ID badge. 
  • Staff will collect and check all packages brought in by visitors. They will remove all contraband and return items to visitors upon their departure. Pertinent information should be noted in the chart. Visitors will not be allowed behind locked doors with bags, luggage, purses, etc.  
  • Staff will monitor patients and visitors in the designated visiting area at all times.  

Additionally, please be aware of the following safety measures: 

  • Recently discharged patients are not allowed to visit current patients. 
  • Visitors and patients will sit on opposite sides of the table during visitation. 
  • If a patient needs to leave visitation to go to the restroom, the patient will be brought back to the unit and will not return to visitation. 
  • We will perform a contraband search if we suspect that a patient has received contraband during visitation. 

Learn More

If you have any questions or need additional information prior to your visit, please don’t hesitate to contact our staff. Our goal is to deliver excellent care for patients and support for families in an environment of safety and respect. 

I am grateful for the treatment I received at Covington Behavioral Health. I felt like an individual rather than a patient and I am so thankful.

– a former patient
Marks of Quality Care
  • LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Treatment
  • St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce
  • The Jason Foundation
  • The Joint Commission (JCAHO) Gold Seal of Approval